Crisp Jicama & Pineapple Salad
Serving Size - 3
Prepared By - Janine & Terry
Recipe Rating

1/2 cup unsalted sklnned roasted peanuts
I tablespoon drled shrlmp paste
I tablespoon tamarind pulp, plus 5 tablespoons warm water
I to 4 fresh red Holland chlles
3 tablespoons palm sugar
3 tablespoons lndoneslan sweet soy sauce
1 small jicama peeled
l/2 medlum-slzed green mango peeled and seeded
1/4 small unrlpe papaya peeled and seeded
2 small Klrby
l/3 plneapple peeled
I firm unrlpe guava

To make the topping, place the peanuts in a small food processor. Pulse until the peanuts are ground to the consistency of coarse bread crumbs. Set aside. To make the dressing, place the shrimp paste in the center of a 5-inch square of aluminum foil. Fold the edges of the foil over to form a smdl parcel, and press down with the heel of your hand to flatten the shrimp paste into a disk 1/4 inch thick. Heat a gas burner to medium-low or an electric burner to medium high. Using apair of tongs or 2 forks, place the sealed parcel directly on the heat source. Toast until the paste begins to smoke and release a burning, shrimpy smell, about 1 1/2 minutes. With the tongs or forks, turn the parcel over and toast the other side for another 1 1/2 minutes, then turn offthe burner. Again using the tongs or forks, remove the parcel and let cool for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Carefully unwrap the foil; the edges of the disk should be black-brown and toasty and the center should be golden with some black-brown patches. Using a spoon, scrape the toasted shrimp paste into a small bowl and allow it to cool for another 30 seconds. Discard the foil. Place the tamarind pulp in a small nonreactive bowl and mix it with the warm water. Let the pulp rest until it softens, I0 to I5 minutes. Squeeze and massage the softened pulp through your fingers, loosening the fruit's auburn pulp from the shiny black seeds, brittle brown skin shards, and sinewy bits of string. With your fingers, remove all the solid pieces from the liquid and discard them. All that will remain is a thick caramelcolored extract. Place the toasted shrimp paste, tamarind extract, chiles, paim sugar, and sweet soy sauce in a small food processor. Pulse until you have a smooth paste; the chiles should be fairly finely ground. Cut the jicama, manga and the papaya, if using, into thick irregular matchsticks about 3 inches long by 1/2 inch wide. You should have about 1 1/2 cups jicama and 1 cup each of the mango and papaya. Cut the cucumbers into irregular pieces about z inches (5 centimeters) long by 1/2 inch wide. You should have about 2 cups. Cut the pineapple into pieces 2 inches long by 1/2 inch wide. You should have about 2 cups Cut the guava (or the apple) into 8 wedges. Place all the fruits and vegetables in alarge bowl. Pour three-fourths of the dressing over the top and toss well with your hands or a large spoon to make sure each piece is evenly coated. Thste a piece of fruit or vegetable. It should be enhanced by the dressing, not overwhelmed by it. Add the rest of the dressing, if needed, along with a pinch of salt, also if needed. to. Transfer the dressed salad to a serving dish. Evenly sprinkle the ground peanuts over the top. Eat the salad immediately. It becomes limp if allowed to sit for longer than 20 minutes.