Fried Noodles
Serving Size - 4
Prepared By - Sally & Steve
Recipe Rating

12 oz thin egg noodles
4 oz small peeled shrimp
4 oz chicken breast
4 oz lean pork
4 oz Chinese cabbage, cabbage or spinach
4 green onions
10 shallots
4-5 cloves garlic
3 slices galingale/galangal or young ginger
1-2 fresh red chilies or ground chili paste, to taste
3/4 cup peanut oil
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
large pinch of cracked black pepper
sprigs of fresh basil or cilantro

Soak the noodles in boiling water to soften and untangle, then bring quickly to the boil. Drain, cover with cold water, drain again and spread in a wire strainer to cool and dry, Thick noodles will require boiling for at least 5 minutes. Cut the shrimp in half lengthwise. Slice the chicken and pork, then cut into narrow strips. Coarsely shred the green vegetables, and rinse thoroughly. Trim the green onions. Cut in half lengthwise, then into 1-in lengths. Peel and thinly slice the shallots and garlic. Shred the ginger. Cut open the chilies and scrape out the seeds, then cut the chilies into long, narrow strips . Set a little aside for garnish . Heat the oil in a wajan, wok or wide skillet until smoking. Add the noodles and fry until they are crisp on the edges, Lift out and set aside.