Aromatic Greens Pie
Serving Size - 6
Prepared By - Mary & John
Recipe Rating

1 pakage of phyllo
1 kg spinach or other greens
500gr green chard
1/2 bunch chervil
1/2 bunch kafkalithres
1/2 bunch of dill
1/2 bunch parsley
500g good quality Greek feta cheese
2 large onions, grated
salt, pepper, olive oil

Wash all greens and herbs very well and dry them (I use the salad spinner). Chop them up very finely and “knead” them with some salt (maximum 1 tsp) until they wilt and start to loose their moisture. Let them drain in a colander and once or twice squeeze all juices out until they are almost dry. Saute the onion in medium heat until it looses most of its moisture and them add it to the greens. Crumble the feta cheese and mix it in with the greens. Your filling is ready. Preheat the oven to 200 ? C. Sprinkle some fine semolina flour all over the phyllo to help absorb any excess moisture from the greens. Carefully spread the filling all over the tray and cover with the second phyllo sheet. Brush the pie with the beaten egg and sprinkle the black sesame on top. Using a sharp knife cut the pie into squares or lozenges. Bake until nice and golden on top. Let it stand for 20 minutes then cut and serve.