German vegetable w/chicken
Serving Size - 4
Prepared By - Tracy & Russ
Recipe Rating

14 1/8 oz Broccoli
10 2/3 oz Cauliflower
8 13/16 oz Carrots
2 1/8 c Vegetable Broth
2 tb Butter
2 tb Flour
3 1/2 oz Cream
3 1/2 oz Velveta Cheese
4 Chicken Breast Filets
Oil for frying

Clean broccoli and cauliflower and rip into little buds. Peel and slice carrots. Bring the vegetable broth to a boil and cook the cauliflower for 5 minutes in it. Add broccoli and carrots and cook 5 more minutes. Pour the vegetables through a colander and save the broth. Melt butter and stir in flour, stir and cook real short, until only light yellow than add the hot vegetable broth, cream and season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Heat the oil in big skillet and fry the chicken breasts on both sides, about 6 minutes each. Put chicken on paper towel to absorb grease. Arrange chicken on plates and put vegetables on it and pour sauce over meat. Serve with rice.