Serving Size - 4
Prepared By - DnD
Recipe Rating
* * * * *

4 Yukon Gold Potatoes
2 Cups Parmesan Cheese
1 eggs

In a pot of salted water, add potatoes and bring to a boil and cook until fork tender. Remove from water to let cool for 30 minutes. Peal potatoes then run them through a ricer onto a clean counter. Add 1 egg that has been beaten, combine with potatoes. Flatten the potatoes then add Parmesan and about 1 cup flour. Kneed to combine. Add more flour if still really wet and if needed. Dust counter with flour and take 1/4 of the potato mixture and roll out to long 1/2" rolls, with a knife cut out 1/2" pieces. Dust pieces with flour. In a pot of salt water, bring to a boil and drop Gnocchi pieces a few at a time into the boiling water. Done when they float to the top in about 2-3 minutes. Remove from water and place in each bowl, being careful not to bring over water. Top with Red Tomatoes Sauce and Parmesan.