Stuff Da Cabbage
Serving Size - 20
Prepared By - Janine & Terry
Recipe Rating

2 small Head Cabbages
1 lb Ground Chicken or Turkey
2 medium Carrots, grated
1 large Onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup Green Onion, chopped
2 cups cooked Rice
2 Eggs
4 teaspoons Shoyu (Soy sauce)
Dash Salt
1/2 teaspoons Pepper
2 Cups water
2 cans Tomato Soup

Dip cabbage in boiling water to soften leaves. Remove leaves and set aside. Cut off the hard part of the leaves. Meanwhile, mix all the ingredients except for the water and tomato soup. Put a heaping tablespoon of the mixture onto the cabbage leaf, wrap and secure with toothpicks. Use up all the mixture. Lay rolls in pan and add water and tomato soup. The rest of the cabbage can be cooked in the sauce also. Simmer for approximately 40 minutes on med-low heat. Carefully stir rolls occasional to avoid burning. Cut 20 rolls in half to make 40 half rolls.