Italian Baked Holiday Squash
Serving Size - 6
Prepared By - Monica & Bill
Recipe Rating

2 Medium Butternut Squash
10 Medium Carrots
1 Medium Onion, Coarsely Chopped
3 Cloves Of Garlic, Peeled And Chopped
4 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
2 Tablespoons Spicy Mustard
1/2 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
Salt & Pepper
1 Cup Coarsely Chopped Pecans Or Walnuts, Or Sliced Almonds
Extra 1/4 Cup Dark Brown Sugar For Topping

Cut the squash into thirds, removing the seeds. Cook by covering the squash with foil in a casserole dish and baking it in a 350 degree F. oven until tender, or microwave on medium high until soft. Once cooked, scoop the pulp from the skin, and place it in a food processor. Remove the stem ends of the carrots, and cut into 1 inch pieces. Cook either in boiling water until tender, or in a covered dish in the microwave. Once cooked, add the carrots to the squash in the food processor. If your machine is too small to hold all of the vegetables, you can puree them in batches, and then mix everything together later in the baking dish. Pulse the squash and carrots until mixed. In a saucepan, heat two tablespoons of the butter, and cook the onions until they are soft and lightly browned. Add the garlic, and cook for a few minutes more. Add this mixture into the food processor. Also add the 1/2 cup of sugar, the cinnamon, mustard, remaining two tablespoons of butter and salt and pepper and pulse until almost smooth. You want a fairly smooth texture, but not one as soft as baby food! Place this mixture in a casserole dish large enough to hold it. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Sprinkle the nuts around the outer edge of the dish, and sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar on top. Bake until hot and bubbly, about 20 minutes. Note: This dish can be prepared up to two days before serving, brought to room temperature and then baked.