Serving Size - 1
Prepared By - Lina & Mark
Recipe Rating

12 cups of flour
5 oz Olive Oil

TO MAKE GNOCCHI: In a large bowl, add flour and olive oil. Start adding water slowly to the middle of bowl and mix in with plastic spatula working your way out to sides. You want to get all the flour wet and make a dough out of it. Don’t mix too much or it will get hard. Use hands to finalize the kneading of the dough until you get the desired consistency. Then spread a layer of flour on a large board and dump dough out. Do a little more kneading and add a little more flours so it is not sticky and you can work with it. Mould into one large blob. Then cut off a 3 x 3 piece of the dough and roll into long tubes that are about 2/3 of an inch in diameter. Next cut the tubes into small bite-size pieces about 1/2 to 3/4 inches in size. The last step is to indent each piece with a fork or by doing a finger roll. This is done by pressing your finger into each piece and pulling towards you so the piece indents and rolls over onto itself. Then you lay the pieces flat onto a cookie sheet and add some more flour so they don’t stick together. Sort of mix them up gently with your hands. Once all the dough is cut, cover pieces with a towel or sheet to let dry for 2-3 hours before boiling. You can freeze any of the left over dough. Once frozen completely, put in containers and place back in freezer.