Stuffed Tomatoes
Serving Size - 6
Prepared By - DnD
Recipe Rating

8 medium tomatoes
4 hard boiled eggs, cooled and peeled
6 Tbsp garlic mayonnaise
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 Tbsp parsley, chopped
1 Tbsp white breadcrumbs

Garlic mayo - Add 2 tsp crushed garlic to 12 fl oz of mayo and Mix in food processor, set aside. Skin the tomatoes, first by cutting out the core with a sharp knife and making a " + " incision on the other end of the tomato. Then place in a pan of boiling water for 15 seconds. Remove and plunge into a bowl of iced or very cold water to stop the tomatoes from cooking and going mushy. Slice the tops in half from top to bottom, then the seeds and insides, either with a teaspoon or small, sharp knife. Mash the eggs with the mayonnaise, salt, pepper and parsley, Stuff the tomatoes, firmly pressing the filling down. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Sprinkle with chopped parsley