Yukon Gold Chips
Serving Size - 4
Prepared By - DnD
Recipe Rating
* * * *

2 to 3 Yukon gold potatoes
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
White pepper
Celery salt
Ground cumin
Black pepper
Garlic powder
Chili powder
Lemon zest
Cayenne pepper
Dry mustard

Combine all spices into a small bow and mix throughly. Thinly slice potatoes lengthwise to form a traditional thin chip. In a large pan heat enough Olive Oil to cover pan with about 1/8 of oil. Toss potatoes into the hot pan and fry until partially cooked. Remove from oil and let drain on a paper-towel covered plate. Sprinkle with a homemade Texas-style dry rub spice. Toss chips on a hot grill and cook through until brown and crispy, with nice grill marks.