Marinated Cucumber Salad
Serving Size - 8
Prepared By - Peter
Recipe Rating

2 long English cucumbers, finely sliced
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly-ground pepper
1 teaspoon freshly-chopped dill
½ cup paper-thin slices of red onion
1 cup red-wine vinegar
4 teaspoons honey
Fresh lettuce leaves

Place sliced cucumbers in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, pepper and dill, mixing well. Mix in onion slices. Heat vinegar in a small saucepan just until hot, but not boiling. Remove from heat and add honey, stirring until it dissolves. Let cool to lukewarm. Pour over cucumber mixture, cover and refrigerate overnight. Transfer to a jar or plastic container with tight-fitting lid. Serve on lettuce, trimmed, if desired, with radishes and more fresh dill.