Kahlua Creme Brulee
Serving Size - 6
Prepared By - DnD
Recipe Rating
* * * *

2 Cups Heavy Cream
4 Eggs
1/2 C Sugar
2 oz Kahlua
1/2 C Brown Sugar
Fresh Berries

Preheat over to 350 degrees In a suacepan over medium heat, slowly bring cream to boil. In a mixing bowl combine eggs yolks and sugar then beat until mixture is lemon colored. Place over simmering water and beat until mixture has doubled in volume, about 10 mins. Remove from heat and keep whisking to cool it down. Slowly stir hot cream and Kahlua into egg mixture. Using a fine sieve, strain into a bowl set over ice to quickly chill the mixture. Pour mixture into individual molds set in a shallow pan or baking dish. Pour water into the pan until it is half way up the sides of the molds and bake for 40 mins. Evenly sprinkle bown sugar on topand place under broiler or use a blow torch to heat sugar until it turns brown and bubbles. Let set for a few minutes, then garnish with berries.