Brie Ice Cream
Serving Size - 4
Prepared By - Rey
Recipe Rating

1lb 8 oz Brie
3 Cups of simple syrup

Simple Syrup: Combine 2 cups of water with 2 cups of sugar. Stir to dissolve. Bring to a boil and cool. Add ΒΌ cup of water to simple syrup. Open Brie and scrape out the soft part of the cheese. Discard cheese rind. Slowly add simple syrup into Brie, whisking gently until mixture is creamy. Strain until there are no cheese lumps in the mixture. Freeze mixture in ice cream machine. To present the dessert, place each pear on a plate with a scoop of the frozen brie. With a squirt bottle or tines of a fork, drizzle the pear syrup over the brie and the pear. Serve immediately.