Cheese Bread
Serving Size - 50
Prepared By - Janine & Terry
Recipe Rating

1 Lb Sour Polvilho
1 Lb Sweet Polvilho
2 1/2 C Milk
2 tbsp Butter
2 tbsp Salt
5 Eggs
1/4 Lb Grated Feta
1/2 Lb Grated Parmigiano
1 1/2 tsp Oil

Combine both potvithos in a large bowl. Boil 2 cups milk with the butter and salt and pour over the potvithos at once. Working with two forks, mix the flour and the milk to break up the lumps. When the dough is cool enough to touch with your fingers, begin kneading the dough with both hands. Add one egg and knead the dough untit the egg is incorporated into the mixture. Add the remaining eggs. kneading each time. lf at this point, the dough feets hard and dry stowly add more milk as you keep kneading it. [The dough at this point is still not comptetety homogeneous. Add the cheeses and gently knead in. The dough should now be smooth and soft. Let it rest for 20 minutes covered with a wet kitchen towel. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Coat a cookie sheet lightly with oil or cover with parchment paper. Coat your hands with a dash of oil or butter. Take one tablespoon of the dough in your hands and roll the dough making strawberry-size balls. lf you prefer, work with two dessert spoons. Place the balls on the cookie sheet. leaving 1/2 inch between them. Bake for 15 minutes. Lower the heat to 325 degrees F and bake for another 10 minutes or until gotden. Serve warm. You may atso freeze the cheese batts for later baking and use.