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Batard Bread

Serving Size - 2
Prepared By - DnD
Recipe Rating
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3 Cups Water at 110 degree's
6 1/2 Cup Bread Flour (King Aurthor)
2 Tbsp Whole Wheat Flour
1 1/2 Tbsp Salt
1 1/2 Tbsp Yeast

In a large bowl combine water and yeast and stir gently then let sit for 10-15 min to let yeast come to life and starts to foam. Next add remaining ingredients together with spoon. Cover bowl with plasic and leave on counter for 12 hours, then place in refrigerator over night with plasic covering the dough itself to keep it from getting dry. Can leave dough in refrigerator for up to 1 week. Remove dough and bring to room temp for 1 hour. Cut in half and dust with flour as you mould it into shape of a bread loaf about 14" long. Place dough on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. In a 450 degrees preheated oven place small bowl with 1 cup of water next to the cookie sheet with bread on the rack and cook for 30 - 50 minutes or until crust is brown and crusty. Makes 2 loafs which can be freezed.