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Proscuitto Wrapped Asparagus

Serving Size - 12
Prepared By - Sheri
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24 fresh Asparagus Spears (Medium thickness)
8oz Block Parmesan Cheese
10oz very thinly sliced Proscuitto
1 Lemon

Preheat the oven to 400F, and bring a large pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Cut the woody ends off the asparagus add to the pan of boiling water and cook for 5 to 8 minutes, until JUST tender. Drain well and rinse in cold water to stop the cooking. Slice the cheese into very thin, long, narrow slices preferably with a cheese slicer. Lay a strip of Proscuitto on a flat work surface and place 1 or 2 strips of cheese vertically down the center of the ham. Lay an asparagus spear at one end of the Proscuitto, then wrap the ham and cheese around the asparagus spiraling from the bottom to the top. Repeat with the remaining asparagus spears. Place the wrapped spears on a baking sheet in one layer and sprinkle some grated parmesan on top. Bake for 5 minutes or until cheese has just melted. Squeeze ½ large lemon on top. Serve hot. These can be prepared a day ahead. Make to stage 5, cover and refrigerate the ham wrapped un-cooked spears.