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Chocolate Volcano Cake

Serving Size - 4
Prepared By - DnD
Recipe Rating
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Printer Friendly Recipe

6 oz Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate
6 oz Butter, diced, room temp
3 Eggs
1/2 C Sugar
1/3 C Flour
Butter for Ramekins

This recipe can be made ahead of time and baked just before serving. Pre-heat oven to 350 degeees. Melt chocolate on low flame in a double boiler. When melted, take off flame and stir in diced butter until it melts. In another bowl, beat eggs adn sugar until it starts to whiten. Stir in melted chocolate and then the flour. Butter 4 individual ramekins and pour in the chocolate batter. Cook for 10 -12 minutes. The center would be liquidy while the sides are done, so the longer you cook it, the less liquid will be in the center.