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Milk Chocolate and Caramel Cream Brulee

Serving Size - 6
Prepared By - DnD
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1 C Milk
1 C Heavy Whipping Cream
1 C Sugar
1 Tbsp Corn Syrup
4 oz Milk Chocolate
8 Egg Yolks

Combine the milk and cream in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, keeping the mixture hot. Meanwhile in a heavy saucepan, combine sugar and corn syrup. Add enough water to just cover the sugar mixture. Without stirring, cook over medium heat until the temp reaches 356 degrees on a candy thermometer, or until mixture turns a deep amber color (this will take about 20 mins). Remove from heat. While stirring the sugar mixture, slowly and carefully pour in the cream mixture, if poured too fast, the mixture will splatter, and could cause burns. When all the cream is added, stir well to fully incorporate. Add the chocolate and stir until melted. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place the egg yolks in a medium bowl. While stirring, slowly add the cream mixture to the yolks until completely blended. Divide mixture into 6 ramekins. Place in a water bath (water ½ way up the side of the ramekin) and bake until set around the edges, but still loose in the center, about 30-40 minutes. Remove from oven and leave in water bath until cooled. Remove cups from water and chill for 2 hours or up to 2 days. When ready to serve, sprinkle about 2 teaspoons of sugar on top of each custard. Using a small hand torch or oven broiler, cook the top until the sugar melts, re-chill custard for a few minutes before serving.