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Gomen Sega – Beef in Mustard Greens

Serving Size - 6
Prepared By - DnD
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4 Pounds Mustard Greens
2 Pounds Beef -- diced
1 Large Onion -- chopped
2 Medium Green Pepper -- chopped
salt And Pepper -- to taste
6 T Niter Kebbeh
8 Medium Scallion -- chopped
4 Medium Serrano Pepper -- chopped

Clean and chop mustard greens. Place them in large pot and simmer for 10 minutes. Do not add water. Enough water clings to greens in cleaning process. Drain and set aside. In Dutch oven, sautés beef, onion, peppers and salt and pepper until beef is brown. Add mustard greens and remaining ingredients. Cook for 1 hour or until liquid in pan has evaporated.