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Serving Size - 7
Prepared By - Janine & Terry
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1 glass flour
1/4 glass water
2 eggs
1/5 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 1/3 glasses starch
1 glass melted margarine
1 1/2 glasses ground walnuts
2 glasses granulated sugar
2 glasses water
2 teaspoons lemon juice

Prepare the dough according to the dough for the baklava recipe. Place the dough pieces on each other on a wooden board. Cut these pieces according to the size of the tray where they will be cooked. Grease the tray lightly and place one layer of dough over. Pour 1/2 tablespoon melted margarine evenly over the dough. Place only half of the pieces of dough on the tray so that there is one layer of dough, and margarine over that. When half of the dough is used up, sprinkle ground walnuts over. Over the walnuts place another layer of dough, spread some margarine, then another layer of dough, continue until all the pieces of dough are used. Cut the pieces of dough into the shape of baklava, place in a moderately heated oven and cook for an hour until the color of the baklavas turn golden brown. Put granulated sugar, water and lemon juice into a pan, melt the Sugar over moderate heat and boil for about 15 minutes until the mixture becomes syrup. Remove from heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes, brush with but.